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"The Smiths" is a comedy web series following the lives of young married couple, Giuseppe & Guadalupe Smith. At first encounter, this Smith family may not "appear" to be what some would typically expect. However through adventures with Giuseppe & Guadalupe, many have come to know The Smiths as just an all-around American family. A delivery guy by the name of "Simon" drops off a package at the Smith residence and quickly becomes an even bigger part of The Smiths' lives. As The Smiths continue to work toward fulfilling the American dream, relationships are revealed and tested in this comedy web series about a multicultural yet ethnically ambiguous family. "The Smiths" is a comedy web series showcased on and previously featured as an "Audience Favorite" in the comedy category.

The Smith's-Episode 7 (excerpt)

Alan Massa Productions

Scott Slagle as Blake

Episode 7: Couples Retreat

The Smiths attend Guru Sandoval's couples retreat and find out that Simon, The Delivery Guy works there as part of the "Refreshing The Passion!" staff. As each couple introduces themselves at the welcome meeting, Simon decides to break his silence and delivers a clear message to the entire group that leaves everyone speechless.


In this excerpt, Blake and Paulina introduce themselves.

© 2013 Alan Massa

The Addams Family

Bay Area Stage Productions

Scott Slagle as Uncle Fester

I had the honor and privilege of playing Uncle Fester in Bay Area Stage Production's production of The Addams Family in October 2014.  Here are highlights of Uncle Fester in the show!


Thanks to Lab Rat Pictures for video-taping our performance! (

Garden Hose

A Zachary Sharp Film

Scott Slagle as Paul

Garden Hose follows the titular household object as it passes from person to person, revealing their lack of purpose as well as stifling the object's own. The dark comedy stars Scott Slagle, Siobhan O'Brien, and Shoshanna Joseph from a script written and directed by Zackery Sharp.

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